Create simple inventory management from Laravel 您所在的位置:网站首页 AirPods Pro版本3A283手机无法验证 Create simple inventory management from Laravel

Create simple inventory management from Laravel

2023-04-25 00:06| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Create simple inventory management from Laraveljourney sponsor

Fullstack Web Development With Laravel and Vue.jsLearn how to build fullstack web apps with Laravel 5, Laravel Mix, Vue js, Bootstrap 4 & Sass

Real Time Single Page Forum App with Pusher Laravel & vuejsMaking Things Realtime With Pusher in Single Page App

for this series we going to learn how to create CRUD and some extra feature like Report, Sale page in Laravel with use some business logic like a inventory management and so what is inventory management system ? is app that use for track sale,purchase ,payment imagine you have a dealer or distributor you have a little product and doesn’t require sophisticate program may be this tool it’s fit for you

in this post I’ve explained how this we learn from start to end

the inspiration project has become from LaravelInventry

sathish43/LaravelInventryStock management application using Laravel 5.4. Contribute to sathish43/LaravelInventry development by creating an…

a simple Laravel 5.4 project that found on Github

for learning purpose we gonna make small different while use 5.7

seriously we gonna learn with real life coder

they don’t watch more tutorial on Udemy or Many Tut site so much they jump in to code forest and try to understand using debugger with intercept code flow and watch how variable change when pass over over function

they learn the best practice from a thousand expert developer on Github

the intent of this post that make table of content post that detail post has add to later

in the start part 0, we prepare the environment for dev

I’huge fan of cloud9 but they have bought by AWS in 2017 that integrate to AWS service make that becomes complete Cloud Development Environment

we gonna learn how to use Cloud9 and setup necessary tool


Amazon account and credit card (if not use local alternative)

you gonna learn

basic linux command base on Centoselement of Aws Cloud9how to change PHP versionpart 1 we install and setup Laravel 5.7 and Github repository and deploy to Heroku

because keep project live on EC2 charge some cost in the free way I choose Heroku for make live demo

you gonna learn

how to setup Laravel 5.7 and Mysql on AWS linux base on CentOSinstall AdminLTE that make your frontend life easierbasic git commandsimple Github repositoryhow to deploy any commit to Heroku that make your app stand liverely foundation for your appand much more..Part 2 we gonna create simple CRUD series

remember this demo app is simple we gonna follow them


a data about customer that buy your product

in this section you gonna learn

how to create boilerplate file with migrationhow to create fast and simple CRUD functionhow to create version control database table with Laravel migrationhow to craft a simple form and table with Bootstrap waySuppliers

in this section you gonna learn

how to create boilerplate file with migrationhow to create fast and simple CRUD functionhow to create version control database table with Laravel migrationhow to craft a simple form and table with Bootstrap wayProduct

in this section you gonna learn

how to create boilerplate file with migrationhow to create fast and simple CRUD functionhow to create version control database table with Laravel migrationhow to craft a simple form and table with Bootstrap wayCategory

in this section you gonna learn

how to create boilerplate file with migrationhow to create fast and simple CRUD functionhow to create version control database table with Laravel migrationhow to craft a simple form and table with Bootstrap waySale

in this section you gonna learn

how to create boilerplate file with migrationhow to create simple CRUD functionhow to create version control database table with Laravel migrationhow to craft a complex form with BootstrapReport

in this section you gonna learn

how to create PDF with Laravelhow to create date range pickerClosing SponsorThe Ultimate Advanced Laravel Pro course (incl Vuejs)Laravel 5.7 Ecommerce Shop

Learn More.

Closing Notes:

common pirate get on black pearl if you need explore Github Ocean with me

may be we could find some code treasure

if you need fundraise that journey






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